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HVB design v2

Hi Fernando, Gerard,

I attached a new HVB design for the CDC, but before producing it, i would 
like to send it around for a first iteration.

The tar file has (should have) following files in it:

pcbv2.brd : this is the board in pcbnew format (pcbnew is part of Kicad 
software which is free software). This program can spit out Gerber files.

pcbv2-SilkSCop.ps pcbv2-SilkSCmp.ps pcbv2-InnerL2.ps pcbv2-InnerL1.ps 
pcbv2-Copper.ps pcbv2-Component.ps: all the layers in ps format.

Some questions/issues:

 	- when drawing the board I was able to place an SM pad above a
 	  so called "via", i found out that via's are drilled so should
 	  one place them below SM pads? (it is the first time i draw a
 	  pcb with smds)

 	- the HVB is designed as the male part of an EDAC connector
 	  341-026-500-208 as proposed by Gerard: this board uses a two
           contact row connector.
 	  We probably want to change this to a single row one, so that
 	  the connector is broader which makes the connection stronger.

 	- Do we want to use pins on the connector to transfer the CDC
           ground to the board (the ground would be next to a 1800 V line
 	  on the connector which might cause a short) or do we use thick
 	  copper wire soldered to the HVB.

 	- Fernando, do we know what kind of HV connector on the HVB we
           have to use?

 	- Could somebody send one ICM-MA50H-SS52-1171 connector to CMU or
 	  can tell us where to order them (we only need one for the

 	- Concerning the preAMP: how should the RSVP_1 and RSVP_2 pins
 	  be connected (I connected them to ground)

 	- We can have the board produced but we do not have any tools to
 	  solder the SM devices, could that be done at IU or do you know a
 	  company that does this?

Cheers and thanks,

                          /   Yves Van Haarlem
        _--~~--_         /
      /~/_|  |_\~\      /      Carnegie Mellon University
     |____________|    /        Department of Physics
     |[][][][][][]|:= /          Wean Hall room 8404
   __| __         |__ \       	 Pittsburgh, PA 15213
  |  ||. |   ==   |  | \           USA
(|  ||__|   ==   |  |) \
  |  |[] []  ==   |  |   \   	    Tel.:   +1 412 268-6949
  |  |____________|  |    \                  +1 412 641-9252
  /__\            /__\     \	      Fax.: +1 412 681-0648
   ~~              ~~       \-----------------------------------
