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GlueX meeting Time - round 3

Hi All,

	Well, it turns out after some more thought, we realized that a
9:00am EST time places and undue burden on our collaborators in the more
western time zones. That (coupled with a dentist's appointment I
forgot about this week) means that this weeks's meeting is canceled. 
Hence, we need to try and find a new regular meeting time again. This time
we will start from scratch. So ...

	Could I please ask everyone to go to the following website one
more time to fill out the times they a NOT available to meet during the
week. Please be conservative in checking off times as we are having
trouble finding a suitable opening. Also, if you have some flexability in
your schedule (i.e. you could move some things around to open up a time
you've marked by closing up another time) just send me an e-mail noting


To view the curent schedule at any time, please go to:


For your reading pleasure, I've included the minutes from last week's
meeting below.


GlueX Weekly Softwae Meeting
Feb. 4, 2005

Attendees: David L. Elliott W. Rafael H. Nokolay K. Zisis P. Joachim K.
           Richard J. Greg R. Curtis M. Matt B.


1. New meeting time

2. GlueX Data storage requirements

3. CDC Tracking (Joachim)

4. Rafael Hakobyan (Regina): standalone GEANT MC for BCAL module 

5. Nikolay Kolev (Regina): report on SURA Grid Workshop, Atlanta, 
Jan.5-7, 2005


1. We decided on a new meeting time of Tuesdays 9:00am to 10:00am.
   (Since the meeting, we have realized that this time places an undue
	burden on our collaborators in more western time zones and are
	revisting the issue again via electronic polling.)

2. We discussed briefly the numbers in the design report and Elton's
   spreadsheet regarding the total CPU and isk space requirements for
	GlueX. We agreed that the total data produced by GlueX per year would
	be 3PB. We also agreed that current number of 925-950 CPUs for
	generation and analysis of simulated data was still our current best
3. Joachim described some work he has done for CDC tracking. He has
   generated straight tracks in the CDC. By using the distance of
	closest approach and the position of the wire, he can determine the
	phi angle. He does this by histogramming the angle assuming the 
	hit was on the left(right) side of the wire. One of the two angles
	entered for each hit will line up at the actual phi angle. This will
	appear as a sharp peak in the histogram which can be fit to determine
	the actual angle of the track. This is being done under several ideal
	conditions for the track. Joachim will continue this work by
	sequentially adding more complicating factors (Magnetic field, vertex
	off the beamline, ...). You can see the pictures he showed at:
	http://www-meg.phys.cmu.edu/~kuhnj/Plots. Look at Fit004_CDChits.ps
	and Fit004_CDCview.ps.

4. Rafael reported on a simulation of the BCAL he has begun working on
   at Regina. He has written a comletely independant Monte Carlo based
	on GEANT3 to study shower development in the BCAL. One result obtained
	so far is that less than 6% of the energy appears to be deposited in
	the fibers. Most of it is deposited in Pb. This project is
	still in the early stages, but there is a plan for a series of things
	they intend to study. See the link Rafael provided at the top for
	more info.

5. Postponed. 

  David Lawrence Ph.D.
  Staff Scientist                 Office: (757)269-5567   [[[  [   [ [       
  Jefferson Lab                   Pager:  (757)584-5567   [  [ [ [ [ [   
  http://www.jlab.org/~davidl     davidl@jlab.org         [[[  [[ [[ [[[