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[Fwd: HDGeant build :(]

Hi gang. I'm trying to build HDGeant on my own machine with little 
success. I asked Dave about this today, but he's at a loss as well, so I 
figured I'd throw this out to the group. Any ideas?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	HDGeant build :(
Date: 	Tue, 15 Mar 2005 13:28:08 -0500
From: 	bellis <bellis@jlab.org>
To: 	David Lawrence <davidl@jlab.org>

So I'm trying to get this built. I've build gelhad OK. But getting 
errors with HDGeant. I should mention I have a debian build of CERN 
stuff so I had to slightly modify my local Makefile.CERNLIB

lpythia6205 -> lpythia (mine is version 6.3.17)
lherwig -> lherwig59

Much of it seems to build OK, similar to what I see in the JLab builds, 
and then it dies at

g77  -L/home/bellis/CMU/src/halld/lib/Linux \
       obj/Linux/cdcdump.o obj/Linux/cobrems.o obj/Linux/fint.o 
obj/Linux/goptimize.o obj/Linux/gpairg.o obj/Linux/gsrotm.o 
obj/Linux/gthion.o obj/Linux/gufld.o obj/Linux/guhadr.o 
obj/Linux/gukine.o obj/Linux/guout.o obj/Linux/guphad.o 
obj/Linux/gustep.o obj/Linux/guxcs.o obj/Linux/gxcs.o obj/Linux/gxphys.o 
obj/Linux/hddsGeant3.o obj/Linux/hitutil.o obj/Linux/uginit.o 
obj/Linux/uglast.o obj/Linux/vunit.o obj/Linux/bintree.o 
obj/Linux/hddmInput.o obj/Linux/hddmOutput.o obj/Linux/hddm_s.o 
obj/Linux/hitBCal.o obj/Linux/hitCDC.o obj/Linux/hitCerenkov.o 
obj/Linux/hitFCal.o obj/Linux/hitFDC.o obj/Linux/hitFTOF.o 
obj/Linux/hitStart.o obj/Linux/memcheck.o obj/Linux/timel.o 
obj/Linux/trapfpe.o -L/sw/lib -lXm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXt -lg2c -lgelhad 
-Wl,-static -lgeant321 -lpawlib -lkuipX11 -lgraflib -lgrafX11 -lmathlib 
-lpacklib -lkernlib -Wl,-dy -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lXp -lXext -lSM 
-lICE -lX11 -llapack -lblas -lm -lnsl -lcrypt -ldl -lg2c -L/usr/./lib 
-lpythia -lherwig59 -lpdflib804 -lg2c -lpthread    \
       -o /home/bellis/CMU/src/halld/bin/Linux/cdcdump
unresolvable relocation against symbol `limits_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [cdcdump] Error 1

Any thoughts?

Matt Bellis
Carnegie Mellon University
(office - JLab) 757-269-6076
(cell)	 	412-310-4586

Matt Bellis
Carnegie Mellon University
(office - JLab) 757-269-6076
(cell)	 	412-310-4586