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Test repository for subversion available

Hi All,

    As mentioned at the last GlueX software meeting, we are gearing up 
to convert from CVS to Subversion. For anyone unfamiliar with 
Subversion, it is very CVS-like in it's basic command syntax so for most 
of us, the major difference will be typing "svn update" instead of "cvs 
update" etc...  Find more info at the website:


Many recent versions of Linux come with Subversion on the installation 
disks, so many folks may already have it installed.

For Mac OS X users, it is available through Fink as "svn-client". (If 
you want to be quicker try the command-line "apt-get install svn-client" 
as root).

I have converted a portion of the CVS repository for us to play with. 
(The CVS repository is still the definitive source and any real changes 
should still be committed to it.) To check out the src directory (and 
everything it contains) issue the following:

svn co svn+ssh://svn.jlab.org/group/halld/Repositories/svnroot/trunk/src

This should work from offsite through ssh similar to how we currently 
use CVS. This repository is a throw-away and only here for testing now. 
Feel free to modify code and test checking it back in. I also encourage 
folks to try creating new files and directories so we can make sure 
everything works smoothly before making an official change.

At time to be announced later, I will convert the relevant parts of the 
CVS repository into a new Subversion repository that will become our 
definitive source. At the same time, I will make those parts of the CVS 
repository read-only so it will still be available for checkouts, just 
not commits.

Note that I do not plan on converting all parts of the CVS repository. 
There are some document sections and legacy code that may not be 
appropriate to convert. Those parts will still have read/write access in 
the CVS repository.

Finally, this will be a rare opportunity to rethink our repository 
directory structure. I'd encourage everyone with an interest in this to 
think about it and bring their ideas to the discussion at the software 
meeting in two weeks.



  David Lawrence Ph.D.
  Staff Scientist                 Office: (757)269-5567   [[[  [   [ [       
  Jefferson Lab                   Pager:  (757)584-5567   [  [ [ [ [ [   
  http://www.jlab.org/~davidl     davidl@jlab.org         [[[  [[ [[ [[[