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Hall-B beamtest

Hi All,

Please find some more simulation results on the web site
Two more links are added, namely
   a). shower energy leakage from the BCal module when the beam is 
         from the BCal centre
   b). distribution of the Up and Down time difference for the 
collimated (2.6mm)
          beam and for the pencil beam
about which Zisis and I want to discuss with you during today's  

Time always has been calculated in two ways: taking the energy weighted 
time and  the very first
photon time. Our investigations always show that the sigma is smaller 
for the energy weighted
time. From the beging for the calculation of the time, I have had very 
useful and productive discussions
with Richard Jones about the energy weighted time, and I want to express 
my thankfulness  to Richard 
for  the  useful discussions.
