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Re: hdgeant event 56

Hi Mark,
I tried to reproduce what you see. I have the latest JANA version and 
but maybe
not the latest code from all the factories. the respository version of 
the whole tree is 2863.
I run hdgeant using control.in as it is except that i only generate 1000 
events, and then
hd_dump -A hdgeant.hddm

Event 56 is indeed different but i do not get any errors.
Note that I have only 50 registered factories as compared to your 51.

I will get the latest version and see if something changes.


Mark Ito wrote:
> No seg fault, but do get warnings from hd_dump on event 56 still. 
> Running on output of default configuration of hdgeant.
> =====
> Event: 56
> Registered factories: (51 total)
> Name:             nrows:  tag:
> ---------------- ------- --------------
> DBCALMCResponse      
> 6                                                         
> DBCALGeometry        
> 1                                                         
> DBCALShower          
> 1                                                         
> DBCALTruthShower     
> 6                                                         
> DHDDMBCALHit         
> 8                                                         
> DCDCHit             
> 15                                                         
> DCDCTrackHit        
> 15                                                         
> DFDCHit            
> 205                                                         
> DFDCPseudo          
> 15                                                         
> DFDCCathodeCluster  
> 42                                                         
> DFDCSegment          
> 3                                                         
> DFCALGeometry        
> 1                                                         
> DFCALTruthShower     
> 1                                                         
> DTOFMCResponse       
> 7                                                         
> DTOFHit              
> 7                                                         
> DTOFGeometry         
> 1                                                         
> DTOFTruth            
> 3                                                         
> DHDDMTOFHit          
> 7                                                         
> DTOFHit              7    
> "MC"                                                 
> DTrack               
> 4                                                         
> DTrackCandidate      
> 2                                                         
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:113
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:128 "hit" passed to DistToRT(DVector3) out of 
> range!
> TVector3 A 3D physics vector (x,y,z)=(11.206003,-11.488946,104.500000) 
> (rho,theta,phi)=(105.725212,8.731206,-45.714282)
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:113
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:128 "hit" passed to DistToRT(DVector3) out of 
> range!
> TVector3 A 3D physics vector (x,y,z)=(14.094577,-7.675500,104.500000) 
> (rho,theta,phi)=(105.725212,8.731206,-28.571436)
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:113
> DReferenceTrajectory.cc:128 "hit" passed to DistToRT(DVector3) out of 
> range!
> TVector3 A 3D physics vector (x,y,z)=(14.788772,-6.233988,104.500000) 
> (rho,theta,phi)=(105.725212,8.731206,-22.857136)
> ...etc....


B. Zihlmann
Indiana University
Physics Department
727 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405
phone: (812) 855 6973
Fax:   (812) 855-5533

Event: 56

Registered factories: (50 total)

Name:             nrows:  tag:
---------------- ------- --------------
DBCALGeometry        1
DHDDMBCALHit         2
DFCALGeometry        1
DTOFMCResponse       1
DTOFHit              1
DTOFGeometry         1
DHDDMTOFHit          1
DTOFHit              1    "MC"
DTrackCandidate      1    "THROWN"
DTrackEfficiency     1
DMCThrown            1
DUPVHit             10
DUPVTruthHit        34

mod: layn1: layn2: secn1: secn2: inr: midr: outr: length:

 48      5      4      4      65.00075.00087.460 390.000

id:   module:  layer:    sector:      E:      t:    zLocal:

1414329    3       2          2   0.002  -0.287   -182.971
1414312   10       1          1   0.001   3.503    -59.069

 <Print method undefined for DMCFCALHit> DTOFMCResponse
id: orientation: end:    t [ns]:    x/y (orth.):   dE [MeV]:

id: orientation: end:    t [ns]:    x/y (orth.):   dE [MeV]:

 0            29.411      0.000          30.289       0.000

       40            4         252.000          120.000      6.000
id:  bar:  plane:   end:        t:     dE:

id: orientation: pos[cm]:  epos[cm]:  dE [MeV]: meantime [ns]: timediff [ns]:

DTrackCandidate : THROWN
      id: Nhits: q:     p:       theta:   phi:  p_trans:   x:     y:     z:    dz/dphi:

 8923e18      0 +0  8.773        0.000  3.079      0.00 0.00   0.0-2200.92       0.000
id: Nthrown: Nfound: Nthrown_and_found: frac_found: frac_thrown: fittable: found: trackid:

8923660   0       0                  0        nan%         nan%         N      N        0
  myid: parent: type: pdgtype: mech:  q:     p:    E: theta:   phi:   mass:     x:     y:     z:

     1       0     1        0     0  +0  8.789   8.8  0.000  3.079   0.000   0.03   0.1-2200.00
layer:    row:      E(MeV):      t(ns):    side:

   10       8       6.0595       -4.35     left
   10       8       5.4995       -3.58    right
   12      43       6.3310       -6.30    right
   14      36      10.8292       -4.08     left
   14      36      14.1566       -6.12    right
   15      38       7.3287       -6.58    right
   15      46       5.6278       -4.70     left
   15      46       5.3815       -4.34    right
   17       6       5.1493       -9.88     left
   17      16       8.2165       -8.24     left
  E(MeV): primary:   t (ns): track:       x:       y:       z:

 127.699        0     -4.78      1      7.5    -74.4    -85.8
  27.253        0     -4.73      1      9.0    -80.9    -85.8
  11.777        0     -4.79      1     15.6    -70.8    -85.8
  45.604        0     -4.84      1    -12.1     66.7    -85.8
  28.039        0     -4.90      1    -19.5     54.2    -85.8
  81.899        0     -4.93      1     37.9     31.8    -85.8
   8.970        0     -4.89      1     50.5    -25.8    -85.8
   7.456        0     -4.92      1    -11.6     42.9    -85.8
   6.506        0     -4.72      1     84.8      4.0    -85.8
  22.246        0     -4.95      1     41.3      7.3    -85.8
   5.883        0     -4.95      1     42.0      2.8    -85.8
  17.820        0     -4.78      1     -7.3     76.6    -85.8
  50.436        0     -4.76      1     31.6     75.3    -85.8
  13.674        0     -4.86      1     -4.8     64.7    -85.8
  15.245        0     -4.84      1     -2.5     68.1    -85.8
  18.659        0     -5.00      1     -5.9    -22.9    -85.8
  24.422        0     -4.92      1     34.7     40.1    -85.8
   8.015        0     -4.81      1     70.0     15.8    -85.8
   5.694        0     -4.82      1     70.6      1.1    -85.8
  12.865        0     -4.78      1    -46.2    -57.3    -85.8
   7.459        0     -3.93      1    115.7    110.9    -85.8
  51.250        0     -4.81      1     -0.1     72.9    -85.8
  19.339        0     -4.84      1     -9.2     67.8    -85.8
   8.501        0     -4.91      1     50.9     21.4    -85.8
   6.126        0     -4.81      1    -80.2    -49.1    -85.8
  21.035        0     -4.90      1     69.0    -19.0    -85.8
  13.682        0     -4.62      1   -100.6    -95.4    -85.8
   6.478        0     -4.93      1    -67.4    -14.1    -85.8
  39.461        0     -4.88      1    -64.9    -53.8    -85.8
  10.406        0     -4.64      1   -106.9     83.1    -85.8
  39.568        0     -4.86      1     71.5    -37.8    -85.8
   9.465        0     -5.01      1     30.4     -6.8    -85.8
  10.985        0     -4.82      1    -23.5    -97.3    -85.8
  11.314        0     -4.89      1    -63.3    -52.3    -85.8

< Hit return for the next event (P=prev. Q=quit) >

c This is the control file for the GEANT simulation.  Parameters defined
c in this file control the kind and extent of simulation that is performed.
c The full list of options is given in section BASE-40 of the GEANT manual.
c In addition, some new cards have been defined to set up the input source
c for the simulation.  Three kinds of simulation runs are available, selected
c by which of the following three "cards" are present below.
c    1. Input from Monte Carlo generator (card INFILE)
c    2. Built-in coherent bremsstrahlung source (card BEAM)
c    3. Built-in single-track event generator (card KINE)
c The order of the list is significant, that is if INFILE is present then the
c BEAM and KINE cards are ignored, otherwise if BEAM is present then KINE is
c ignored.  For example, the 3-card sequence:
c     INFILE 'phi-1680.hddm'
c     SKIP 25
c     TRIG 100
c instructs HDGeant to open ./phi-1680.hddm, skip the first 25 events and then
c process the following 100 input events and stop.  If the end of the file is
c reached before the event count specified in card TRIG is exhausted then the
c processing will stop at the end of file.
TRIG 1000
cINFILE 'rhop.hddm'
BEAM 12. 9.
RUNG 9999

c Commenting out the following line will disable simulated hits output.
OUTFILE 'hdgeant.hddm'

c The following card enables single-track generation (for testing).
c For a single-particle gun, set the momentum (GeV/c), direction
c theta,phi (degrees) and vertex position (cm), and for the particle
c type insert the Geant particle type code plus 100 (eg. 101=gamma,
c 103=electron, 107=pi0, 108=pi+, 109=pi-, 114=proton).  If you use
c the particle code but do not add 100 then theta,phi are ignored
c and the particle direction is generated randomly over 4pi sr.
c For a listing of the Geant particle types, see the following URL.
c http://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/geant_html3/node72.html
c The meaning of the arguments to KINE are as follows.
c  - particle = GEANT particle type of primary track + 100
c  - momentum = initial track momentum, central value (GeV/c)
c  - theta = initial track polar angle, central value (degrees)
c  - phi = initial track azimuthal angle, central value (degrees)
c  - delta_momentum = spread in initial track momentum, full width (GeV/c)
c  - delta_theta = spread in initial track polar angle, full width (degrees)
c  - delta_phi = spread in initial track azimuthal angle, full width (degrees)
c   particle  momentum  theta  phi  delta_momentum delta_theta delta_phi
KINE   101      9.0       10.   0.      0.              3.        360.

c The SCAP card determines the vertex position for the particle gun.  It
c supports the following three arguments, all of which default to 0.
c    vertex_x vertex_y vertex_z
SCAP    0.       0.      65.

c If you specify a non-zero value for vertex_x and/or vertex_y above then
c all tracks will emerge from the given point.  If you leave them at zero,
c you have the option of specifying the HALO card which causes the simulation
c to generate events with a transverse profile modeled after the 12 GeV
c electron beam.  The argument only argument to HALO is fhalo, the fraction
c of the beam that lies in the halo region surrounding the core gaussian.
c The nominal value taken from CASA technical note JLAB-TN-06-048 is 5e-5.
c This card is only effective for electron beam simulations with gxtwist.
c    fhalo
HALO  5e-5

c The following lines control the rate (GHz) of background beam photons
c that are overlayed on each event in the simulation, in addition to the
c particles produced by the standard generation mechanism.  A value of
c 1.10 corresponds to nominal GlueX running conditions at an intensity of
c 10^7 tagged photons on target per second.  To disable the generation of
c random beam background, comment this line out or set the value of BGRATE
c to zero.  Background beam photons are generated during the time interval
c given by the BGGATE card, whose two arguments specify the earliest and
c latest times (ns relative to the time of the original photon that caused
c the event) that a random beam photon could produce background hits
c somewhere in the detector.  Note that for this to work, the BEAM card
c must be present (see above).  This means that background generation is
c disabled when the simulation operates in particle gun mode.
BGGATE -200. 200.

c The following card seeds the random number generator so it must be unique
c for each run.  There are two ways to specify the random see for a run.
c  1. One argument, must be an integer in the range [1,215]
c  2. Two arguments, must be a pair of positive Integer*4 numbers
c In the first case, one of a limited set of prepared starting seeds is
c chosen from a list.  These seeds have been certified to produce random
c sequences that do not repeat within the first 10^9 or so random numbers.
c For cases where more choices are needed, the two-argument form gives
c access to a total of 2^62 choices, with no guarantees about closed loops.
RNDM 121

c The following line controls the cutoffs for tracking of particles.
c CUTS cutgam cutele cutneu cuthad cutmuo bcute bcutm dcute dcutm ppcutm tofmax
c  - cutgam = Cut for gammas (0.001 GeV)
c  - cutele = Cut for electrons (0.001 GeV)
c  - cutneu = Cut for neutral hadrons (0.01 GeV)
c  - cuthad = Cut for charged hadrons (0.01 GeV)
c  - cutmuo = Cut for muons (0.01 GeV)
c  - bcute  = Cut for electron brems. (CUTGAM)
c  - bcutm  = Cut for muon brems. (CUTGAM)
c  - dcute  = Cut for electron delta-rays. (10 TeV)
c  - dcutm  = Cut for muon delta-rays. (10 TeV)
c  - ppcutm = Cut for e+e- pairs by muons. (0.01 GeV)
c  - tofmax = Time of flight cut (1.E+10 sec)
c  - gcuts  = 5 user words (0.)
CUTS 1e-4 1e-4 1e-3 1e-3 1e-4

c The following line controls a set of generic flags that are used to
c control aspects of the simulation generally related to debugging.
c For normal debugging runs these should be left at zero (or omitted).
c At present the following functionality is defined (assumes debug on).
c  SWIT(2) = 0 turns off trajectory tracing
c          = 2 turns on step-by-step trace during tracking (verbose!)
c          = 3 turns on trajectory plotting after tracking is done
c          = 4 turns on step-by-step plotting during tracking
c  SWIT(3) = 1 stores track trajectories for plotting after tracking is done
c  SWIT(4) = 0 trace trajectories of all particle types
c          = 3 trace only charged particle trajectories
SWIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

c The following card enables the GelHad package (from BaBar)
c   on/off  ecut   scale   mode   thresh
GELH  1     0.2     1.0     4     0.160

c The following card selects the hadronic physics package
c   HADR 0	no hadronic interactions
c   HADR 1	GHEISHA only (default)
c   HADR 2	GHEISHA only, with no generation of secondaries
c   HADR 3      FLUKA (with GHEISHA for neutrons below 20MeV)
c   HADR 4	FLUKA (with MICAP for neutrons below 20MeV)

c The following cards are needed if optical photons are being
c being generated and tracked in the simulation.  The CKOV directive
c enables Cerenkov generation in materials for which the refractive
c index table has been specified.  The LABS card enables absorption
c of optical photons.  The ABAN directive controls a special feature
c of Geant which allows it to "abandon" tracking of charged particles
c once their remaining range drops below the distance to the next
c discrete interaction or geometric boundary.  Particles abandoned
c during tracking are stopped immediately and dump all remaining energy
c where they lie.  The remaining energy is dumped in the correct volume
c so this is OK in most cases, but it can cut into the yield of
c Cerenkov photons (eg. in a lead glass calorimeter) at the end of
c a particle track.  If this might be important, set ABAN to 0.

c The following card prevents GEANT tracking code from abandoning the
c tracking of particles near the end of their range, once it determines
c that their fate is just to stop (i.e. electrons and protons).  This
c behaviour is normal in most cases, but in the case of Cerenkov light
c generation it leads to an underestimate for the yields.
c   ABAN 1	abandon stopping tracks (default)
c   ABAN 0	do not abandon stopping tracks

c The following card sets up the simulation to perform debugging on
c a subset of the simulated events.
c DEBUG first last step
c  - first (int) = event number of first event to debug
c  - last (int) = event number of last event to debug
c  - step (int) = only debug one event every step events
DEBUG 1 10 1000

c The following card can be used to turn off generation of secondary
c particles in the simulation, ordinarily it should be 0 (or omitted).

c The following card tells the simulation to store particle trajectories
c in the event output stream.  This output can be verbose, use with caution.
c The value set here determines the amount of output recorded:
c TRAJECTORIES = 0  don't store trajectory info
c TRAJECTORIES = 1  store birth and death points of primary tracks
c TRAJECTORIES = 2  store birth and death points of all particles
c TRAJECTORIES = 3  store full trajectory of primary tracks
c TRAJECTORIES = 4  store full trajectory of primary tracks and birth/death points of secondaries
c TRAJECTORIES = 5  store full trajectory for all particles

c The following tracking parameters are defined for each tracking medium
c   TMAXFD (REAL) maximum angular deviation due to the magnetic field
c                 permitted in one step (degrees)
c   DEEMAX (REAL) maximum fractional energy loss in one step (0< DEEMAX <=0.1)
c   STEMAX (REAL) maximum step permitted (cm)
c   STMIN  (REAL) minimum value for the maximum step imposed by energy loss,
c                 multiple scattering, Cerenkov or magnetic field effects (cm)
c Normally they are assigned appropriate values calculated automatically by
c Geant when the geometry is defined, overwriting the values declared by
c the user code in the GSTMED() call.  Users who know what they are doing can
c force Geant to instead use the values passed in the arguments to GSTMED()
c by removing the comment in front of the following card.  Any parameters with
c zero values are still assigned automatic values even when AUTO is turned off.