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Re: mass of thrown particle

Hi Mark,

Particle's energy and momentum are in the MCThrown bank.

const DMCThrown *s = mcthrowns[i];
energy = s->E;
p = s->p;

In the MCThrown we have a pdgtype but don't have the mass...
it seems that we save a looot of space....

I usually use Lorentz vectors
#include "DLorentzVector.h"
#include "DVector3.h"

DLorentzVector pi0  =  g1 + g2; 
cout << " pi0 mass = " << pi0.Mag() << " endl;


On Thu, 4 Dec 2008, Mark M. Ito wrote:

> Folks,
> To do the time of flight correction correctly for a trajectory generated from 
> the thrown Monte Carlo parameters, I need the mass of the thrown particle. 
> How do I get that?
> For now I will hard-wire it to the pion mass since I know that is what I have 
> thrown when I generated the events.
> -- Mark