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Anonymous svn checkouts

Hi Folks,

    It looks like they have finally got anonymous checkouts from the 
halld subversion repository working. It is now configured to require 
authentication only when modifications are committed. This will allow 
students or other potential collaborators to check things out from our 
code repository without having a JLab CUE account. Please let me know if 
you run into any problems with the repository in the near future that 
could be related to this change.

    Note: when I tried this, I did get a message starting with "Error 
validating server certificate for 'https://halldsvn.jlab.org:443':", 
however, just hit "p" to accept the certificate and the command will 
execute OK. Subsequent commands won't complain again.



 David Lawrence Ph.D.
 Staff Scientist                 Office: (757)269-5567   [[[  [   [ [       
 Jefferson Lab                   Pager:  (757)584-5567   [  [ [ [ [ [   
 http://www.jlab.org/~davidl     davidl@jlab.org         [[[  [[ [[ [[[