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Re: BCAL timing from beam test - bafflement - please look

Hello Richard,

During compillation of hddsGeant3_tagger.F geometry file
on ifarm's at JLab there is an error message:

"Message: An exception occurred! Type:NetAccessorException, Message:Could 
not connect to the socket for URL

, i.e. there are network restrictions on the farms so that
HDDS-1_0.xsd file cannot be downloaded. Would it make sense to have
the HDDS-1_0.xsd file in the local hdds directory rather than accessing
it through the net ?


When I downloaded HDD-1_0.xsd file into the local directory I got
another error message during the compillation
Error at file 
line 53, char 35
   Message: Attribute 'modifies' is not declared for element 'region'

Obviously smth else is missing...