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Updated Version of the overview document

Hi Everone -

  thanks to commnets from Dan, Elke, Alex, Matt Bellis and Elton, I 
have produced version 7 of document number 999

"Physics and detector performance metrics"

Changes from version 6 include:

*) I go updated track resocnstruction and resolution plots from 
    Davids document and fixed the text to agree with these.

*) I moved the PID section after the Reconstruction Section.

*) I have gone through and added appropriate citations through out
    the document to show the scale of work that was done by the 

*) I think that the citation list is now in the correct order and everything
    is cited in the text.

*)  Numerous typographical and wording fixes as suggested by the readers.

I am willing to make corrections if people find them. I do know that we would
like this to go onto the review web site today sometime.

   -- Curtis
Professor Curtis A. Meyer        Department of Physics
Phone:  (412) 268-2745          Carnegie Mellon University
Fax:    (412) 681-0648            Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
cmeyer@ernest.phys.cmu.edu  http://www.curtismeyer.com/