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Senate Confirms by Unanimous Consent DOE Under Secretary for Science and
Radioactive Waste Director Former Domenici Advisor Confirmed as NRC Director

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Orbach for his confirmation as Under Secretary for Science at DOE.

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate this afternoon confirmed by unanimous consent the nominations of the director for the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management and the Under Secretary for the Office of Science, a new position created in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

The Senate confirmed the nominations of Edward F. Sproat III for the position of Director of the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management and Raymond L. Orbach for the Under Secretary for Science.

Chairman Domenici’s statement:

"Mr. Orbach brings an impressive background in science and academia to this post. We created this position in the energy bill as part of a broader push to expand DOE's commitment to and expertise in science. I think Mr. Orbach will ably lead that charge."

"Mr. Sproat brings nuclear energy expertise to his position and shares my commitment to solve the spent fuel issue. I am pleased he is on board."

"I am particularly pleased that the Senate also confirmed Pete Lyons to be a commissioner on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Pete is my former advisor on nuclear issues, a great friend and an impressive commissioner since his appointment by President Bush last year. I think this confirmation strengthens the NRC's expertise in nuclear science and government policy. Pete's background in these areas is unrivaled."