FEL User Registration & Training
Working on/upgrading one of the dipole magnets that bend the electron beam 180 degrees for the IR Upgrade FEL
To become a user at JLab, you need to register with User Liaison (UL) preferably on the first working day after you arrive. The UL is located on the first floor of CEBAF Center in room C103 and is normally open between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday (except holidays).
When you register, the UL staff will enter you into the CEBAF Information System (CIS) and will provide the necessary training. Entry into CIS will provide long-term access to the JLab site during business hours and after hours.
In addition to the training in the UL office, FEL users are required to have a laser eye examination and laser safety training. For all laser training issues, users should contact Dick Owen (rowen@jlab.org) or (757-269-6381).
Once an experiment has been approved and you have been assigned to a user lab, you must read the Laser Safety Operating Procedure (LSOP) for that lab, get a safety walkthrough and be trained by Steve Benson (felman@jlab.org) or (757-269-5026).