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Re: halld-collab : jLab Hall D Staffing Needs

Hi Elliot

Good summary.

You all ( ya'll) should also estimate the installation , construction and
commissioning bump in the manpower.
As the penultimate bump hunters this should be easy.

The manpower estimate must include the extra term staff that will be required
during the peak period of construction.This will probably  be considered as a
construction cost as it will consist of term , contract and contracted labor.

Basically a purchased item.Purchased labor which Physics still uses ,  is
still considered as a construction cost at JLAB.

I have attached my complete labor estimate which includes my first guess of
permanent project technical staff and the temporary staff hired

Peruse and use as you see fit.



Elliott Wolin wrote:

>                   JLab Hall D Staffing Needs
>                   --------------------------
>                                         E.Wolin
>                                         15-nov-2000
> Introduction
> ------------
> In this note I estimate the number of JLab staff members needed to be
> hired or assigned to work on the Hall D detector and online efforts as
> part of the Hall D group.  I also estimate the number of additional
> staff members needed to be hired into the JLab DAQ, Electronics,
> Target, and Computer groups (not counting existing staff temporarily
> assigned to Hall D).  I mainly discuss permanent staff, and only
> briefly mention project staff.  I do not discuss temps hired for
> specific jobs, as these costs should be included in the detector
> construction budget.
> A future note will discuss JLab staffing needs to support the Hall D
> physics and software efforts.
> My manpower estimates and hiring timelines are included in Elton's
> Hall D cost/manpower spreadsheet (soon to be released).  At the bottom
> of this note is a text version of the relevant piece.
> Why discuss this now
> --------------------
> It's important to start discussing this now for a number of reasons.
> It takes time to hire people, and we need to be ready to hire when it
> becomes possible.  Certain positions are hard to fill, and JLab might
> want to fill them before they're really needed to ensure that someone
> is available when they ARE needed.  We'll need support from other
> groups at JLab, and we want to ensure they know how much support we
> need, and that they agree to provide this support.  Finally, we want a
> good estimate of our personnel needs as early as possible so we don't
> get caught short; i.e. it's better to be realistic up front than to
> try to get more staff late in the game.
> I suspect most of us can come up with additional reasons...
> Background for analysis
> -----------------------
> I base my recommendations on discussions with the heads of the JLab
> DAQ, Electronics, Target, and Computer groups, as well as with the
> head of the CLAS electronics group, other JLab employees, Hall D
> members (especially Elton), and on my own experience.
> Relation to CLAS
> ----------------
> Although the Hall D and CLAS efforts are roughly the same size
> overall, CLAS is more complicated mechanically, whereas Hall D is more
> complicated electronically.  Further, Hall D cannot afford to approach
> electronics, DAQ, online, and control in the fragmented way done by
> Hall D Mechanical staff
> -----------------------
> Paul Brindza estimates Hall D will need 6 permanent mechanical
> engineering staff (head engineer, lead designer, lead technician,
> designer, 2 mechanical technicians).  I believe this is somewhat less
> than CLAS currently employs.
> I estimate we'll need 6-7 additional project staff (2 designers, 1
> welder, 3-4 technicians), or about 20 man-years, depending on how much
> mechanical work is done at the universities.
> Hall D Electronics staff
> ------------------------
> Based on the CLAS experience I believe Hall D will need 2 permanent
> designers and 4-5 permanent electronics technicians .  CLAS currently
> employs 3 technicians, uses a varying number of graduate and
> undergraduate EE students, and uses 2-3 technicians from the JLab
> Electronics group.  The head of the CLAS electronics group claims this
> has never been enough.
> Hall D is more complicated and sophisticated electronically than CLAS,
> and will likely use proportionally less commercial electronics.  Thus
> I believe we'll need more permanent electronics staff than CLAS.
> It's hard to estimate how many project electronics staff will be
> needed to design/build/test/install Hall D equipment, as this depends
> on how much work is done at JLab versus at the universities.  Six
> technician man-years may be enough if Hall D employs 4-5 permanent
> electronics technicians, and if a lot of design work is done at the
> universities.  Otherwise JLab will need additional project designers
> and technicians.
> Hall D Computer staff
> ---------------------
> The Hall D online computer system will contain a large number of
> single-board computers, a smaller number of SMP workstations, a level
> 3 trigger farm, plus auxiliary equipment (UPS, routers, switches,
> hubs, RAID, printers, etc.).  The JLab Computer group will provide
> system management advice and support, but requires we have our own
> personnel to handle the day-to-day work.  The tape silos will be
> located in the computer center, and will be managed by computer center
> personnel.
> CLAS has 1 computer professional dedicated to system management, but
> has a smaller number of computers, a simpler network topology, and no
> online farm system.  I believe Hall D will need 2 permanent computer
> professionals to manage and maintain the Hall D online computer
> systems.
> Note that here I do not include physicists/programmers working on the
> online software.
> JLab DAQ group staff
> --------------------
> Graham Heyes estimates he'll need 2 additional computer professionals
> to support the Hall D DAQ system.  Currently this group has 6 members
> (5 physicist/programmers, 1 physicist/electronics designer) supporting
> three halls plus outside groups.
> Recently there was an additional visiting electronics
> engineer/designer in the DAQ group who developed a number of critical
> boards for CLAS.  Given the Hall D need for custom digital boards I
> feel it's important that the DAQ group add an additional
> engineer/designer.  I note that the visitor will likely become
> available to be hired by the DAQ group about the time Hall D would
> need him.
> JLab Electronics group staff
> ----------------------------
> Chris Cuevas estimates he'll need 1 additional electronics
> designer/coordinator and 2 additional technicians to support Hall D.
> Currently this group has 8 members (head, 2 engineer/designers, 5
> technicians) supporting the three halls and the Target and Detector
> groups.  CLAS currently keeps 2-3 FTE's busy.
> How to balance having technicians work in this group versus working
> directly for Hall D is not obvious.  In general, technicians in this
> group should be responsible for hardware that is commonly used around
> the lab, while Hall D should hire technicians to work on equipment
> unique to Hall D.  I believe we should lean towards hiring our own
> technicians when possible.
> JLab Target group staff
> -----------------------
> Mikell Seely believes he'll need NO additional staff members to
> support the Hall D target design and construction effort, assuming the
> target is as simple as he's been led to believe, and he's given ample
> time to design and build it.  This group will soon have 8 members (3
> physicists, 1 engineer, 4 technicians) who design, build, and maintain
> cryotargets in the three halls.
> The target should require little maintenance, perhaps 1/4-1/2 FTE
> shared between the JLab target group and Hall D.
> JLab Computer group staff
> -------------------------
> Ian Bird estimates he'll need an additional 1/2 FTE to support the
> Hall D online, assuming we hire our own computer support personnel as
> discussed above.  This work mainly involves maintenance of computer
> and network hardware, operating systems and related software, online
> database hardware and software, and level 3 farm system.
> Note that here I do not discuss Computer center staff needed to
> support the Hall D offline analysis effort.
> Conclusions
> -----------
> Hall D and JLab must be ready to start hiring the moment it becomes
> possible.  Thus we need a good estimate of how much manpower is needed
> and when it must be available.  This note, although incomplete, is
> intended to get this discussion and analysis started.
> -----------
> Spreadsheet
> -----------
> The following spreadsheet shows how many of each type of permanent
> staff JLab will need to hire, and when.  "Year n" denotes the n'th
> year of "real" funding for Hall D (whatever that means).  I assume the
> detector building will be available around the 3rd or 4th year.  Full
> permanent staffing occurs in year 5.  Staff physicists and
> programmers are not included.
> Please comment!
> Funding Year             |  1    |  2    |  3    |  4    |  5    |  6
> Hall D Staff (long-term)
> ------------------------
> Lead mech engineer       |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Lead mech designer       |  0.5  |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Lead mech technician     |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Mechanical designer      |       |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Mechanical technician    |       |  0.5  |  1.5  |  3    |  4    |  4
> Electrical designer      |  1    |  2    |  2    |  2    |  2    |  2
> Electrical technician    |       |  1    |  1.5  |  2    |  4    |  4
> Computer professional    |       |       |  1    |  2    |  2    |  2
>                          ------------------------------------------------
> Sub Total                |  3.5  |  7.5  |  10   |  13   |  16   |  16
> Jlab Staff (non-Hall D)
> -----------------------
> DAQ group - computing    |       |  1    |  1.5  |  2    |  2    |  2
> DAQ group - EE           |       |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Electronics group - EE   |       |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1    |  1
> Electronics group - tech |       |       |  1    |  2    |  2    |  2
> Computing group          |       |       |  0.5  |  0.5  |  0.5  |  0.5
> Target group             |       |       |       |  0    |  0    |  0
>                          ------------------------------------------------
> Sub Total                |  0    |  3    |  5    |  6.5  |  6.5  |  6.5
>                          ------------------------------------------------
> Total                    |  3.5  | 10.5  |  15   |  19.5 |  22.5 |  22.5
>                          ------------------------------------------------

eng costs.xls