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beamline simulation

Hello Richard,

I have a couple of quick questions
(I am estimating rates for a Level-1 trigger now and
want to be sure that I am using the latest geometry):

1. Could you please check that a beamline geometry
 (BeamLine_HDDS.xml file attached to this mail) is the
 latest one (versio 2.0, 2006-11-25) ?

2. When I look on  z coordinates of the conversion of
'primary' gammas, I see a peak around z ~ -95 cm. Do you
have an idea what it could be (is it DET 7 ?). I am attaching a ps
file with the z-coordinates of the converted gammas
(and also a plot of x%y coordinates for -100 < z < -95 cm)

To obtain these plots I simply require
ISTAK == 0, IPART ==1, and LMEC(NMEC) == 6

3. In BeamLine_HDDS.xml file, what is the position, XYZ, of a composition
"beamPipe"  (as far as I understood it starts at XYZ = 0)

  <composition name="beamPipe">
    <posXYZ volume="DET4"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0 -1400.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="DET5"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0  1400.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="DET6"     X_Y_Z="  0.0   600.0     0.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="DET7"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0  -591.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="HallPipe" X_Y_Z="150.0  -350.0 -1046.0"/>
(so that the position of DET7 is -5.91 m)?

Thanks a lot,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  Hall D Geometry Data Base: Beam Line

     version 1.0: Initial version	-rtj

     Revision 1.1 10/18/2002 
     -added concrete shielding to the collimator housing 
     -added the virtual detectors to this code:
        DET1: disk intercepting entire beam upstream of collimators
        DET2: plane perpendicular to beam just after second collimator
        DET3: plane mounted just below the ceiling of collimator cave
        DET4: plane perpendicular to beam just after entry to hall
        DET5: plane perpendicular to beam at photon dump end of hall
        DET6: plane mounted just below the ceiling inside the hall
        DET7: plane perpendicular to beam just before the target
     -added a steel tube containing a vacuum that goes from the back of
      the collimator to the front of the solenoid  

     Revision 1.2 10/28/2002
     -revised collimator to the heavy shielding option 
     -added a steel tube containing a vacuum in the WALL, SHLD and ABS2 volumes
     -repositioned DET3 to be inside the collimator housing 
     -removed the BEAM volume from the collimator system

     Revision 1.3 1/9/2003
     -shrunk the size of the vacuum tube from r=5.3 to r=2.5 in order to
      extend the tube into the second steering magnet

     Revision 1.4 06/16/2003
     -mid-shielding option
     -modified DET1, now a cylinder placed in front of primary collimator
     -added tungsten pin-cushion detector model into simulation

<HDDS specification="v1.0" xmlns="http://www.gluex.org/hdds">

<section name        = "BeamLine"
         version     = "2.0"
         date        = "2006-11-25"
         author      = "R.T. Jones"
         top_volume  = "collimatorPackage"
         specification = "v1.0">

<!-- Origin of collimatorPackage is center of the entrance face of the
     primary collimator.  					-->

  <composition name="collimatorPackage">
    <posXYZ volume="ShieldedCollimator" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  425.0" />

  <box name="SHLD" X_Y_Z="550.  550.  1250." material="Concrete"/>
  <composition name="ShieldedCollimator" envelope="SHLD">
    <posXYZ volume="collimatorCave" X_Y_Z="0.0  35.0  25.0" />
  <box  name="CAVE" X_Y_Z="450. 270. 1200." material="Air" />
  <composition name="collimatorCave" envelope="CAVE">
    <posXYZ volume="ShieldHole" X_Y_Z="0.0 -35.0 567.5" />
    <!--posXYZ volume="PHOL" X_Y_Z="-250.0 0.0 -100.0" rot="0  90  0" /-->
    <posXYZ volume="collimatorStack" X_Y_Z="0.0 -35.0 -450.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="shieldingWall" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  592.5" />     
    <posXYZ volume="DET2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  75.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="DET3" X_Y_Z="0.0  132.0  0.0" />
  <tubs name="BEAM" Rio_Z="0.0  0.25 1200." material="Air" />
  <composition name="collimatorSubCave">
    <!--posXYZ volume="BEAM" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  125.0"  /-->
    <posXYZ volume="collimatorStack" />

  <composition name="collimatorStack">
    <posXYZ volume="ColDetector" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  -2.2"/>
    <posXYZ volume="DET1" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  -5.5" />
    <posXYZ volume="COL1" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  15.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="sweepMagnet1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 75." rot="90 0 0" />
    <posXYZ volume="shieldingBlock1" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  210." />
    <posXYZ volume="ConcreteBlock1" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  400." /> 
    <posXYZ volume="COL2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  645." />
    <posXYZ volume="sweepMagnet2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 705." rot="90 0 0" />
    <posXYZ volume="CaveHole1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 735." />
    <posXYZ volume="shieldingBlock2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  790." />
    <posXYZ volume="CaveHole2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  860.0" /> 
    <posXYZ volume="ConcreteBlock2" X_Y_Z="0.0  25.0  930.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="CaveHole3" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  1035.0" />

  <composition name="shieldingWall" envelope="WALL">
    <posXYZ volume="WallHole" X_Y_Z="0.0  -35.0  0.0"/>
  <composition name="shieldingBlock1" envelope="ABS1">
    <posXYZ volume="HOL1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
  <composition name="shieldingBlock2" envelope="ABS2">
    <posXYZ volume="Absorber2Hole" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
  <composition name="sweepMagnet1" envelope="MAG1">
    <posXYZ volume="POL1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 -8.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="POL1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 +8.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="GAP1" X_Y_Z="-5.5 0.0 0.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="GAP1" X_Y_Z="+5.5 0.0 0.0" />

  <composition name="sweepMagnet2" envelope="MAG2">
    <posXYZ volume="POL2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 -8.75" />
    <posXYZ volume="POL2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 +8.75" />
    <posXYZ volume="GAP2" X_Y_Z="-6.25 0.0 0.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="GAP2" X_Y_Z="+6.25 0.0 0.0" />
    <posXYZ volume="MagnetHole" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0" rot="90 0 0" />

  <composition name="WallHole" envelope="OWHO">
    <posXYZ volume="IWHO" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="ShieldHole" envelope="OSHO">
    <posXYZ volume="ISHO" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="MagnetHole" envelope="OMHO">
    <posXYZ volume="InnerMagnetHole" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="CaveHole1" envelope="OCH1">
    <posXYZ volume="ICH1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="CaveHole2" envelope="OCH2">
    <posXYZ volume="ICH2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
  <composition name="CaveHole3" envelope="OCH3">
    <posXYZ volume="ICH3" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
  <composition name="Absorber2Hole" envelope="OAHO">
    <posXYZ volume="IAHO" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="InnerMagnetHole" envelope="IMHO">
    <posXYZ volume="CAP1" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  24.975" />

  <composition name="ConcreteBlock1" envelope="BLC1">
    <posXYZ volume="BHO1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0" />

  <composition name="ConcreteBlock2" envelope="BLC2">
    <posXYZ volume="Block2Hole" X_Y_Z="0.0 -25.0 0.0"/>

  <composition name="Block2Hole" envelope="OBHO">
    <posXYZ volume="IBHO"  X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>

  <tubs name="DET1" Rio_Z="0.    50.  2." material="Air" />
  <box name="DET2" X_Y_Z="450.  270.  2." material="Air" />
  <box name="DET3" X_Y_Z="450.  2.  1200." material="Air" />

  <tubs name="COL1" Rio_Z="0.17 10.0  30.0" material="Tungsten" />
  <tubs name="COL2" Rio_Z="0.50 10.0  50.0" material="Nickel" />
  <box name="MAG1" X_Y_Z="20.0 50.0 30.0" material="Air">
    <apply region="sweepDipoleBfield" />
  <box name="POL1" X_Y_Z="20.0 50.0 14.0" material="Iron" />
  <box name="GAP1" X_Y_Z=" 9.0 50.0  2.0" material="Lead" />
  <box name="MAG2" X_Y_Z="20.0 50.0 30.0" material="Air">
    <apply region="sweepDipoleBfield" />
  <box name="POL2" X_Y_Z="20.0 50.0 12.5" material="Iron" />
  <box name="GAP2" X_Y_Z=" 7.5 50.0  5.0" material="Lead" />
  <tubs name="IMHO" Rio_Z="0.0 2.2 50.0"  material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OMHO" Rio_Z="0.0 2.5 50.0" material="Iron" /> 
  <tubs name="CAP1" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  0.05"  material="Mylar" />

  <tubs name="ICH1" Rio_Z="0.0 2.2 10.0" material="Vacuum"/>
  <tubs name="OCH1" Rio_Z="0.0 2.5 10.0" material="Iron"/>

  <tubs name="ICH2" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  40.0" material="Vacuum"/>
  <tubs name="OCH2" Rio_Z="0.0  2.5  40.0" material="Iron" />

  <tubs name="ICH3" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  110.0" material="Vacuum"/>
  <tubs name="OCH3" Rio_Z="0.0  2.5  110.0" material="Iron" />

  <box name="ABS1" X_Y_Z="50.0 50.0 200." material="Iron" />
  <box name="HOL1" X_Y_Z=" 2.0  2.0 200." material="Air" />
  <box name="ABS2" X_Y_Z="100. 100. 100." material="Iron" />
  <tubs name="IAHO" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  100." material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OAHO" Rio_Z="0.0  2.5  100." material="Iron" />
  <box name="BLC1" X_Y_Z="200.0  200.0 100.0" material="Concrete" /> 
  <box name="BHO1" X_Y_Z="2.0  2.0  100.0" material="Air" />

  <box name="BLC2" X_Y_Z="400.0 250.0 100.0" material="Concrete" />
  <tubs name="IBHO" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  100.0" material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OBHO" Rio_Z="0.0 2.5 100.0" material="Iron" />

  <box name="WALL" X_Y_Z="470. 270. 15.0" material="Lead" />
  <tubs name="IWHO" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2 15.0" material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OWHO" Rio_Z="0.0  2.5 15.0" material="Iron" />

  <tubs name="ISHO" Rio_Z="0.0 2.2 35.0" material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OSHO" Rio_Z="0.0 2.5 35.0" material="Iron" />

  <tubs name="PHOL" Rio_Z="0.0 100.0 50.0" material="Air" />

<!-- Inside the above collimatorPackage is embedded a series of sections
     of a single vacuum pipe that starts inside the second sweeping
     magnet.  The beamPipe composition extends the vacuum all the way
     to the position of the target.

     Origin of beamPipe is center of the hall.

  <box name="DET4" X_Y_Z="1700.0  1200.0  2.0" material="Air" /> 
  <box name="DET5" X_Y_Z="1700.0  1200.0  2.0" material="Air" />
  <box name="DET6" X_Y_Z="1700.0  2.0  3000.0" material="Air" />
  <box name="DET7" X_Y_Z="1700.0  1200.0  2.0" material="Air" />
  <tubs name="IHPI" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  908.0" material="Vacuum" />
  <tubs name="OHPI" Rio_Z="0.0  2.5  908.0" material="Iron" />
  <tubs name="CAP2" Rio_Z="0.0  2.2  0.05"   material="Mylar" />
  <composition name="InnerHallPipe" envelope="IHPI" >
    <posXYZ volume="CAP2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  453.975" />

  <composition name="HallPipe" envelope="OHPI" >
    <posXYZ volume="InnerHallPipe" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.0"/> 

  <composition name="beamPipe">
    <posXYZ volume="DET4"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0 -1400.0"/> 
    <posXYZ volume="DET5"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0  1400.0"/> 
    <posXYZ volume="DET6"     X_Y_Z="  0.0   600.0     0.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="DET7"     X_Y_Z="  0.0     0.0  -591.0"/>
    <posXYZ volume="HallPipe" X_Y_Z="150.0  -350.0 -1046.0"/>  

<!-- Following is the definition of the active collimator.  It sits
     on the upstream end of the primary collimator and acts as an
     active absorber with segmented detection of the beam intensity.

  <composition name="ColDetector" envelope="INSU">
    <posXYZ volume="ColAssemblyFinal" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.50"/>
    <posXYZ volume="HOUF" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  -1.85"/>

  <composition name="ColAssemblyFinal" envelope="HOUS">
    <posXYZ volume="ColAssemblyInitial" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  -0.15"/>
  <composition name="ColAssemblyInitial" envelope="AIRH">
    <mposPhi volume="DIV1" ncopy="4" Phi0="0" dPhi="90" R_Z="3.375 0."/>  
    <posXYZ  volume="DIV2" X_Y_Z="0.0  0.0  0.0"/>  
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionWedge" ncopy="4" Phi0="45" dPhi="90" />
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionWedge" ncopy="4" Phi0="45" dPhi="90" />

  <tubs name="INSU" Rio_Z="0.25   7.36  4.20" material="BoronNitride"/>
  <tubs name="HOUS" Rio_Z="0.25   6.70  3.20" material="Aluminum" />
  <tubs name="HOUF" Rio_Z="0.25   6.85  0.50" material="Aluminum"/>
  <tubs name="AIRH" Rio_Z="0.25   6.5  2.9" material="Air" />
  <box  name="DIV1" X_Y_Z="6.25  0.1  2.9" material="Aluminum" />
  <tubs name="DIV2" Rio_Z="2.7   2.8  2.9" material="Aluminum" />

  <composition name="innerPinCushionWedge" envelope="ACWI">
    <posXYZ volume="ACBI" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 -0.85" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_3" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_4" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_5" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_6" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_7" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="innerPinCushionRing_8" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_1" envelope="AIR1">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_1" ncopy="3"
                                              Phi0="-15.0" dPhi="15.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_2" envelope="AIR2">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_2" ncopy="4"
                                              Phi0="-18.0" dPhi="12.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_3" envelope="AIR3">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_3" ncopy="5"
                                              Phi0="-20.0" dPhi="10.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_4" envelope="AIR4">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_4" ncopy="6"
                                              Phi0="-21.43" dPhi="8.57" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_5" envelope="AIR5">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_5" ncopy="7"
                                              Phi0="-22.5" dPhi="7.5" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_6" envelope="AIR6">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_6" ncopy="8"
                                              Phi0="-23.33" dPhi="6.67" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_7" envelope="AIR7">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_7" ncopy="9"
                                              Phi0="-24.0" dPhi="6.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionRing_8" envelope="AIR8">
    <mposPhi volume="innerPinCushionSector_8" ncopy="10"
                                              Phi0="-24.55" dPhi="5.45" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_1" envelope="AIS1">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.300 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_2" envelope="AIS2">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.375 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_3" envelope="AIS3">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.450 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_4" envelope="AIS4">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.525 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_5" envelope="AIS5">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.600 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_6" envelope="AIS6">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.675 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_7" envelope="AIS7">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.750 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="innerPinCushionSector_8" envelope="AIS8">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.825 0.0 0.0" />

  <composition name="outerPinCushionWedge" envelope="ACWO">
    <posXYZ volume="ACBO" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 -0.85" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_1" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_2" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_3" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_4" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_5" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_6" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_7" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_8" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
    <posXYZ volume="outerPinCushionRing_9" X_Y_Z="0.0 0.0 0.40" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_1" envelope="AOR1">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_1" ncopy="40"
                                              Phi0="-28.660" dPhi="1.463" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_2" envelope="AOR2">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_2" ncopy="41"
                                              Phi0="-28.668" dPhi="1.429" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_3" envelope="AOR3">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_3" ncopy="42"
                                              Phi0="-28.686" dPhi="1.395" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_4" envelope="AOR4">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_4" ncopy="43"
                                              Phi0="-28.703" dPhi="1.364" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_5" envelope="AOR5">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_5" ncopy="44"
                                              Phi0="-28.718" dPhi="1.333" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_6" envelope="AOR6">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_6" ncopy="45"
                                              Phi0="-28.733" dPhi="1.304" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_7" envelope="AOR7">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_7" ncopy="46"
                                              Phi0="-28.748" dPhi="1.277" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_8" envelope="AOR8">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_8" ncopy="47"
                                              Phi0="-28.762" dPhi="1.250" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionRing_9" envelope="AOR9">
    <mposPhi volume="outerPinCushionSector_9" ncopy="48"
                                              Phi0="-28.775" dPhi="1.224" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_1" envelope="AOS1">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.05 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_2" envelope="AOS2">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.125 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_3" envelope="AOS3">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.200 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_4" envelope="AOS4">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.275 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_5" envelope="AOS5">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.350 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_6" envelope="AOS6">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.425 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_7" envelope="AOS7">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.500 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_8" envelope="AOS8">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.575 0.0 0.0" />
  <composition name="outerPinCushionSector_9" envelope="AOS9">
    <posXYZ volume="PIN1" X_Y_Z="3.650 0.0 0.0" />

  <tubs name="ACWI" Rio_Z="0.25 2.5  2.5" profile="-30. 60."
         material="Air" comment="active collimator inner wedge" />  
  <tubs name="ACWO" Rio_Z="3.0  6.0  2.5" profile="-30. 60."
         material="Air" comment="active collimator outer wedge" />  
  <tubs name="ACBI" Rio_Z="0.25 2.5  0.8" profile="-30. 60."
         material="SoftTungsten" comment="inner wedge base plate" />  
  <tubs name="ACBO" Rio_Z="3.0  6.0  0.8" profile="-30. 60."
         material="SoftTungsten" comment="outer wedge base plate" />  

  <tubs name="AIR1" Rio_Z="0.25 0.33 1.7" profile="-30. 60." material="Air" />
  <tubs name="AIS1" Rio_Z="0.25 0.33 1.7" profile="-10. 20." material="Air" />
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  <tubs name="AIS5" Rio_Z="0.56 0.64 1.7" profile="-4.29 8.57" material="Air" />
  <tubs name="AIR6" Rio_Z="0.64 0.70 1.7" profile="-30. 60." material="Air" />
  <tubs name="AIS6" Rio_Z="0.64 0.70 1.7" profile="-3.75 7.5" material="Air" />
  <tubs name="AIR7" Rio_Z="0.70 0.78 1.7" profile="-30. 60." material="Air" />
  <tubs name="AIS7" Rio_Z="0.70 0.78 1.7" profile="-3.33 6.67" material="Air" />
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  <tubs name="AIS8" Rio_Z="0.78 0.85 1.7" profile="-3.0 6.0" material="Air" />

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  <tubs name="AOS2" Rio_Z="3.08 3.16 1.7" profile="-0.715 1.429" material="Air" />
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  <tubs name="AOS5" Rio_Z="3.32 3.38 1.7" profile="-0.667 1.333" material="Air" />
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  <tubs name="AOS6" Rio_Z="3.38 3.46 1.7" profile="-0.652 1.304" material="Air" />
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  <box name="PIN1" X_Y_Z="0.04 0.04 1.7" material="SoftTungsten" />
  <!-- there is no mcfast model of the photon beamline -->


<!-- </HDDS> -->
