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Hall-D Software meeting

Hi all,

	We'll have another software meeting today at 1pm. Here's the
current agenda:

1. HDDM in-memory format            All
(see jul 2nd post on forum under "compile/link issues")
(see also http://dustbunny.physics.indiana.edu/~teige/halld/soft_doc.html)

2. Code repository: BitKeeper/CVS   Elliott W.

3. Code documentation (doxygen?)    Elliott W.

4. CDC tracking                     David L.

6. Vertex counter MC studies        David L.

Any other agenda items will be happily added.

Here are the minutes from last week's meeting:

Attendees: David L., Elliott W., Simon T., Sandy P., Ed B.

1. Start/Vertex counter update               Ed B.
2. Current simulation tasks                  Ed B.
3. Perturbations to HDDM w/ discussion       David L.
   of in-memory data format
(see jul 2nd post on forum under "compile/link issues")

1. Ed gave an overview of an MC study of momentum resolution from
tracking outlined on:


The basic conclusion was that the momentum resolution had a
fairly weak relation to the vertex counter.

2. Ed gave a list of the simulation studies where work was
known to be progressing (Start/Vertex counter, Cherenkov,
BCAL, UPV). He knew of no current orphans.

Ed also reported on the progress of the BCAL simulation. They
are currently trying to optimize resolution as a function
of the relative scintillator/lead thicknesses. The idea is
that they may get better overall resolution by having more
scintillator in the inner part where the majority of the
shower energy is deposited.

3. Dave pointed everyone to the forum post he made on this
topic. There was a brief discussion, but the concensus was
that we needed to have Richard involved in the discussion.

  David Lawrence Ph.D.
  Staff Scientist                 Office: (757)269-5567   [[[  [   [ [       
  Jefferson Lab                   Pager:  (757)584-5567   [  [ [ [ [ [   
  http://www.jlab.org/~davidl     davidl@jlab.org         [[[  [[ [[ [[[