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example build script

I posted the following script on the wiki at 
 . It works for me, but beware the machine-dependent definitions of some 
environment variables.

Example build script

   The following steps will build JANA and the Hall D software tree in the
   directores "jana" and "gluex" respectively, creating them in the
   current working directory. It is assumed that the support packages
   (xerces, cernlib, root, etc.) have all been installed previoiusly. All
   necessary environment variables are set explicitly here; they will
   likely not be appropriate for your machine and must be modified to fit
   your particular environment. This worked for me from a Fedora 7 box.

mkdir jana
cd jana
wget http://www.jlab.org/JANA/releases/jana_svn_daily_linux.tgz
tar zxvf jana_svn_daily_linux.tgz
cd jana_svn_daily_linux
setenv JANA_HOME $cwd
rm -rf bin lib include
cd src/JANA
setenv OS `/bin/uname -s`
setenv ARCH `/bin/uname -p`
setenv OSNAME ${OS}-${ARCH}
make clean
make install
cd ../../../..
mkdir gluex
cd gluex
svn checkout https://halldsvn.jlab.org/repos/trunk/src
setenv HALLD_HOME $cwd
cd src
setenv ROOTSYS /usr/local/src/root/prod
setenv XERCESCROOT /usr/local/xerces-c/prod
setenv CERN /usr/local/cernlib
setenv CERN_LEVEL 2006
eval `addpath.pl $ROOTSYS/bin $CERN/$CERN_LEVEL`
make FC=gfortran DFC=gfortran
cd ../..

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