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Re: 4/27 physics meeting...

   Dear Ryan,

   I want to be on phone conference for this physics
   meeting, but can not fined phone numbers.
   Please let me know if there are any.


Ashot Gasparian                    Phone:(336)285-2112 (NC A&T)
Associate Professor
Physics Department                       (757)-269-7914 JLab
NC A&T State University              Fax:(757)-269-6273 JLab
Greensboro, NC 27411               email: gasparan@jlab.org

On Sun, 26 Apr 2009, Ryan Mitchell wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just a reminder about tomorrow's physics working group meeting at 11:00 EDT. 
> I posted an agenda here:
> http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/wiki/index.php/April_27%2C_2009_%2811AM%29%2C_Physics_Working_Group
> I also posted a few notes about the idea of starting a "physics experts 
> list,"  reproduced here:
> I would like to try to put together a "physics experts list."  The idea would 
> be to try to break down the GlueX physics program into "subtopics" (e.g. 
> meson spectroscopy, baryon spectroscopy, charm, etc.) and to associate 
> "experts" (one or more) with each subtopic.
> The short-term role of the experts would be to:
> (i) serve as consultants in their field (e.g. I personally don't know a lot 
> about DVCS and if I have a question it would be nice to know who I could turn 
> to to get an answer);
> (ii) help develop the physics case for their field;
> (iii) identify key analyses that could be done in their field;
> (iv) (longer term) try to organize simulations of these key analyses (if 
> appropriate) or at least make sure they are feasible with GlueX.
> A preliminary division of topics might look like this:
> 1.  Meson Spectroscopy (hybrids, glueballs, vectors, etc.)
> 2.  Baryon Spectroscopy
> 3.  Scattering (DVCS, pion form factor, GPD's, etc. etc.)
> 4.  Charm
> 5.  Primakoff and eta physics (gamma gamma widths, rare eta decays,  etc.)
> 6.  In-Medium Modifications
> I would eventually like to devote a physics working group meeting to each of 
> these topics where we could (with the help of experts) identify the key 
> analyses, think about the physics cases, discuss the simulations needed, etc.
> Note that I'm not proposing we "break into subgroups."  I would just like to 
> start identifying physics topics and their associated experts so we can start 
> looking at them in a little more depth.
> Ryan