FEL Status
The FEL is currently in a shutdown which started at the end of July 2012 due to upgrade work at the central helium liquefier. During this shutdown we are re-furbishing the injector, restoring the machine configuration, and upgrading diagnostics.
The FEL ran extremely well in 2012. We performed extensive contract work for ONR on FEL physics and concomitant electron beam dynamics, and also operated both the UV-FEL and the IR-FEL for user programs sponsored by the Commonwealth of Virginia. In addition we ran a beam test for a proposed nuclear physics experiment from MIT to search for dark photons.
Among other improvements that were implemented in 2012 are the new low conductivity water system that makes us independent of the main machine's LCW, and the new UV undulator on loan from Argonne.
This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research, the Joint Technology Office, the Commonwealth of Virginia, Air Force Research Laboratory, and the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177.