New: Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD) activities
The MEDCON5 condition stays till further notice. The number of people on site should be minimized.
The users are not allowed on site apart from a few approved ones, who will work on hardware.
A detailed plan for work on site during SAD as well as the proper documentation are available
the engineering page.
A new logbook HDSAD is serving for the SAD work organization and reports.
The technical staff coordinates their activities at a daily 06:00 meeting. The scientific staff and users should send requests for Hall D/Counting house/Tagger access
to HDSAD a day before the intended access. The work progress will be discussed weekly at a special meeting.
2020 summer: info for shift takers
Requirements for staff and users:
- Get the new mandatory training SAF003 - see the regular training page
- New OSP: COVID19 pandemic controls (seen
from inside of the Lab's firewall). One has to read the OSP and the general checklist (a part of the OSP document).
The OSP and the checklist have to be signed upon arrival to the counting house.
- Read the Hall D Resumption Plan, available from the Hall D engineering page.
This document outlines the rules for the counting house and the halls during MEDCON5.
- Before each visit to the Lab one has to do MEDCON 5 Daily Self Certification.
- The first visit to the counting house has to be coordinated with the Hall Leader, or Run Coordinator, or Work Coordinator. The arriving person will
receive oral instructions on the Hall D - related procedures (see item 3), and sign the OSP and the checklist.
- All regular requirements for shift takers apply, including signing the proper page in the "Yellow Binder", containing the COO and other documents. The shifts will
be manned in the same way as at MEDCON5 in spring: 1-person, 6h long shifts.
Additional requirements for users:
The users' badges have been disabled. In order to get the first access to the Lab one has to:
- Inform PDL that you would take shifts, or Hall Leader if you need access for different reasons, at least a week in advance. At this moment 10 users have signed up.
- Follow the registration procedure outlined in this page
2020 Resumption of activities
Transition from MEDCON6 to MEDCON5
A collection of links to information concerning the planned transition
Unescorted Entrance to Hall D / Tagger
Required training:
- Basic WEB-based training available at this page
- SAF100: EH&S Orientation
- GEN034: Security Awareness
- SAF801C: Radiation Worker Initial Training
- SAF801KD: General Access RWP
- SAF103: Oxygen Deficiency Hazards
- SAF113: Hall D Safety Awareness, includes a walkthrough. To arrange a walkthrough contact Elton Smith of the Hall D Work Coordinator
Shift Worker
In addition to the general "Unescorted Entrance" training the shift workers are requred
to take a specific training.
For each running period or a specific experiment a set of safety-related documents is prepared.
Verification of reading and understanding these documents is documented
by signing the sheet located in a "yellow binder" of the experiment specific documents.
These binders can be found in the Hall D counting house and in the MCC.