The Lab Status
2025: Requirements for people working in the Hall D complex
Training required for Unescorted Entrance to Hall D / Tagger
- Basic WEB-based training available at the regular training page
- GEN034: Security Awareness
- CST001: Cyber Security Awareness
- SAF100: ES&H Orientation
- SAF103: Oxygen Deficiency Hazards
- SAF801C: Radiation Worker Initial Training
- SAF801P: Radiation Worker Practicum (taken once)
- SAF801T: Radiation Worker Exam (a proctored exam, in person)
- SAF801KD: General Access RWP
- SAF116KD: Physics Division Work Governance
- SAF113: Hall D Safety Awareness, includes a walkthrough. The walkthrough training in Hall D does not expire.
Organized walkthroughs will be announced on the "halld@jlab.org" mailing list.
Typically, not more than 5 persons can be served at a time. To inquire about walkthroughs
contact the Hall D Work Coordinator (Scot Spiegel or his deputy) or Mark Dalton.
The current prerequisites to walkthroughs are:
- SAF103 - ODH training
- Individual dosimeters (obtained after finishing the Rad. Worker training)
Training required for shift Workers and personnel testing detectors in Hall D
In addition to the general "Unescorted Entrance" training the shift workers are required
to take a specific training.
For each running period or a specific experiment a set of safety-related documents is prepared.
Verification of reading and understanding these documents is documented
by signing the sheet located in a "yellow binder" of the experiment specific documents.
These binders can be found in the Hall D counting house and in the MCC.
Documentation for the current running period
- Run certificate
- The required reading for the current running period:
These documents are also available from JLab
DocuShare .
Links to earlier documents and official document repositories
Safety Pages for earlier periods