

Hall D Group Leader
Eugene Chudakov 12_1/A111 6959
PHALLD gen@jlab.org  

Scientific Staff
Malte Albrecht 12/A104 7554 PHALLD malte@jlab.org Data analysis, FCAL
Alexander Austregesilo 12/A112 6982 PHALLD aaustreg@jlab.org Data analysis
Mark Dalton 12/A121 6931 PHALLD dalton@jlab.org Calorimetry
Alexandre Deur 12/A109 7526 PHALLD deurpam@jlab.org Beamline
Hovanes Egiyan 12/A119 5356 PHALLD hovanes@jlab.org Slow controls, beamline
Sergey Furletov 12/A102 5332 PHALLD furletov@jlab.org DAQ
Boris Grube 12/A105 7510   PHALLD bgrube@jlab.org Data analysis, HV
Igal Jaeglé 12/A117 7506 PHALLD ijaegle@jlab.org PRIMEX-eta,data processing
Lubomir Pentchev 12/A115 5310 PHALLD pentchev@jlab.org FDC
Alexander Somov 12/A106 5553 PHALLD somov@jlab.org Trigger, DAQ, beamline
Simon Taylor 12/A107 7157   PHALLD staylor@jlab.org Tracking software
Beni Zihlmann 12/A114 5310 PHALLD zihlmann@jlab.org CDC, TOF

Ilya Larin 12/A108   PHALLD ilarin@jlab.org CPP/NPP, PrimeX
Andrew Smith 12/A108   PHALLD andrsmit@jlab.org CPP/NPP, PrimeX

Joint Appointments
Carlos Salgado 12/A123 7011 NSU, PHALLD salgado@jlab.org  

Mechanical Engineers
Tim Whitlatch 55_2/2508 5087   PHALLD whitey@jlab.org Hall D Chief Engineer
Josh Ballard 55_2/2500-45 7820   PHALLD ballardj@jlab.org Hall D Engineer

Electrical Engineers
Fernando Barbosa 12/F277 7433 PELECT barbosa@jlab.org Hall D Electronics Coordinator
Cody Dickover 12/F250 7743 PELECT dickover@jlab.org FADC-125MHz programming

Mechanical Designers
Staphanie Worthington 55_2/2500-69 7091   PHALLD stephls@jlab.org  

Technical Staff
Chris Dalgleish (Allen) 55_1/1546-10 6791   PHALLD dallen@jlab.org
Keith Blackburn 55_1/1546-22 7063   PHALLD keithb@jlab.org Deputy Work Coordinator
Robert Bunton 55_1/1546-21 5542 757-238-4432+ PHALLD bunton@jlab.org
Scot Spiegel 55_1/1546-24 5900 757-876-3940 PHALLD spiegel@jlab.org Work Coordinator
Ryan Montgomery 55_1/1546-24 7612 PHALLD rmont@jlab.org
Brandon Shelton PHALLD brandsh@jlab.org
Chris Stanislav 90_1/118 7870   PELECT stanisla@jlab.org Electronics support
Sonja (Sammy) Fiedler EEL 118   PELECT sonjaf@jlab.org Electronics support

Admin Support
Patricia Cheeseboro 12/A110 5345
PADMIN pcheese@jlab.org  

Other staff involved
Thomas Britton 12/F222 7624   ITS tbritton@jlab.org Monitoring
David Lawrence       ITS davidl@jlab.org CPP, Software, online, AI
David Mack 12/C109     PHALLC davidl@jlab.org GlueX data analysis
Torri Jeske       ITS   AI for controls
Daniel Lersch/td>       ITS   Data analysis
Edith Nissen       ACC   Accelerator Div. Liaison
Matthew Mock       ACC   Accelerator MCC Liaison

Staff involved before 2024 including the Construction/Installation stage
Keigo Mizutani     PHALLD keigo@jlab.org Postdoc: DC alignment, data analysis
Joshua Foyles PHALLD   Technician
Mark Stevens Retired   PHALLD stevensm@jlab.org Work Coordinator
Michael McCaughan       ACC   Beam tune
Nicholas Sandoval   PELECT sandoval@jlab.org Electronics support
Elton Smith Retired     PHALLD elton@jlab.org Calorimetry
Mark Ito Retired     PHALLD marki@jlab.org Software coordinator
Paul Mattione       PHALLD   PostDoc, analysis software
Justin Stevens 12/A113 7237 PHALLD jrsteven@jlab.org DIRC, data analysis
Yi Qiang       PHALLD   SiPM, PXI for solenoid
George Biallas Retired     PHALLD biallas@jlab.org SOLENOID
Tom Carstens Retired     PHALLD   Work Coordinator
David Butler       PHALLD   FDC, controls
Bill Crahen 55C_2/2500-76 6403   MSMECH wcrahen@jlab.org Mech engineering
Slava Razmyslovich Retired     MSMECH   design, drawings
Chuck Hutton 55C_2/2500-72 7719   MSMECH huttonc@jlab.org design, drawings
Casey Heck 55_1/1538-1 7667   ENG heck@jlab.org FDC
Matthew Marchlik 55E_2/2500-71 7005   MSMECH marchlik@jlab.org Engineering
Carl Zorn ARC_6/602-29 7449   DETIMG zorn@jlab.org SiPM
Floyd Martin       MSMECH   Solenoid
Roger Flood 55B_2/2500-30 7083   EESICS flood@jlab.org FDC cathodes
Daniel Carman 12/B125 5586   PHALLB carman@jlab.org FDC
Brian Kross ARC_6/602-25 7022   DETIMG kross@jlab.org FDC

Note: the list of phone numbers may be incomplete or not up-to-date. See JLab Phone Book.
Updated 2024/01/31