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Re: [GlueX] Hall-B beamtest

HI Elton,

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, you are right, the curve has a slope at 
the center,
and the amount of leakage is small.
I don't have a plot of the resolution as a function of the beam position 
yet, but
I agree with you that it is very  useful to have it.

You know that Chuncheng has prepared a code for the event reconstruction 
in the BCAL,
but it does need to be improved and we will work on it after the Hall-B 
test. Having the
reconstruction code improved, I'll try to extract the resolution from 
the reconstruction and
plot the resolution as a function of the beam position.

Is there another way that we can check this dependence?

Best regards,

Elton Smith wrote:

>HI Rafael,
>Thanks for the addition. It looks like the curve has a slope even at the
>center, perhaps implying that we in fact do have sensitivity even to the
>smallest change in the the beam position. However the amount of leakage is
>very small, so I assume that the resolution is not much affected. Do you
>have a plot of the resolution as a function of the beam position?
>Cheers, Elton.
>Elton Smith
>Jefferson Lab
>(757) 269-7625
>On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Rafael Hakobyan wrote:
>>Hi Elton,
>>In the plots that have been presented today, I have added the points
>>corresponding to the percentage of the energy leakage (WRT the incident
>>photon energy) when the photon beam enters the BCAL from the centre.
>>Please find the improved plots on the web site
>>                       http://www.jlab.org/~rafael/Beamtest/misalignment/
>>Thanks for the relevant comment.
>>Rafael Hakobyan wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>Please find some more simulation results on the web site
>>>                  http://www.jlab.org/~rafael/Beamtest/
>>>Two more links are added, namely
>>>  a). shower energy leakage from the BCal module when the beam is
>>>        from the BCal centre
>>>  b). distribution of the Up and Down time difference for the
>>>collimated (2.6mm)
>>>         beam and for the pencil beam
>>>about which Zisis and I want to discuss with you during today's
>>>Time always has been calculated in two ways: taking the energy
>>>weighted time and  the very first
>>>photon time. Our investigations always show that the sigma is smaller
>>>for the energy weighted
>>>time. From the beging for the calculation of the time, I have had very
>>>useful and productive discussions
>>>with Richard Jones about the energy weighted time, and I want to
>>>express my thankfulness  to Richard for  the  useful discussions.
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